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Easy Do-It-Yourself Cleaning Tips

Easy Do-It-Yourself Cleaning Tips

Life is messy. But it’s easier than you think to clean up.

Use the sun to bleach your whites
Did you know that the sun can remove some stains? That’s right. The sun naturally bleaches.

Wash the diapers and let them dry in direct sunlight for a few hours. Stains will be noticeably lighter or gone.

Grass Stains
Let your grass-stained white dry in the sun to naturally become whiter.

Tomato Stains on Plastic Containers
Set your containers out in the sun and the stains will bleach out.

Remove Ink Stains with Hairspray
Your favorite shirt now has a huge spot where a marker bled on it. Fear not. Find some alcohol-based hairspray. Yes, this works! Spray that tough ink stain with hairspray. Let it dry. Spray it again and wash as usual. The stain will be gone.

Remove Paint Splatter on Clothing with Hand Sanitizer
Get rid of paint stains—even brushes. 

Lay the article of clothing flat. Put some hand sanitizer on an old toothbrush and scrub in a circular motion. The paint will loosen and come out. For tougher stains, add a little running alcohol.

Clean Your Drains with Vinegar and Baking Soda
Slow drains? You can help clear them with ingredients you already have in your pantry. Pour a pot of boiling water down your drain. Then put ½ cup of baking soda in the drain. 

Pour a mixture of 1 cup vinegar and 1 cup of very hot water down the drain. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes and follow with another pot of boiling water.

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